Among the many types of translation, including english to arabic, each of which has certain features, ways of presenting the text, and the like (for example, legal, technical, medical translation requires clarity, official style, accuracy), literary translation is distinguished by the presence of a huge number of features. That is why it is worthwhile to approach the choice of its performer with special attention.

The specific nuances of literary translation include such phenomena as:

– Turnovers;

– Epithets;

– Comparisons;

– Neologisms;

– Metaphors;

– Play on words and so on.

The biggest problem in literary translation is the impossibility of literal translation. A collection of words and phrases can sometimes take on completely unexpected meanings. Moreover, literary translation also has the problem of having a lot of words that may not be translated at all, and therefore the translator has to select suitable combinations of words in the target language. Often, translators resort to writing a new text in order to convey the emotions and meaning laid down by the author.

Based on the above, we can say that a translator performing literary translation should be aware of the peculiarities and problems of literary translation and know the ways to solve them. Moreover, the translator must have a quick wit, a broad outlook, a large vocabulary and some literary talent.